Jesus Never Existed

Articles and videos by Kenneth Humphreys - 8 million+ visitors

Josephus and Tacitus: Do Their Writings Proof Jesus never existed?

The ancient lifestyles of Jesus Christ have been a topic of extreme scholarly debate. While most historians agree that Jesus became a historic determine, the discussion remains concerning the reliability of historical resources that mention him. The two most frequently stated non-Christian sources are Flavius Josephus and Cornelius Tacitus—Jewish and Roman historians. But do their … Read more

Exploring the Origins of the Christ Myth Theory

Christ Myth Theory

The Christ Myth Theory (CMT) is a provocative framework within religious studies and historical scholarship. It challenges the mainstream understanding of the historical existence of Jesus Christ by asserting that the figure of Jesus is primarily a mythological or literary construct rather than a historical person. This theory has sparked significant debate, uniting historians, theologians, … Read more