Major Sections
Do you really think it all began with a sanctimonious Jewish wonder-worker, strolling about 1st century Palestine? Prepare to be enlightened.
A closer look at the glib assertion that the Jesus story “got off the ground quickly and spread rapidly.”
Still holding to the idea that some sort of holy man lies behind the legend? Better check out…
Many currents fed the Jesus myth, like streams and tributaries joining to form a major river.
Much of the mythology of Christianity is a rehash of an older and even more transparent fabrication – Judaism.
Human ingenuity and cunning is matched by mankind’s equally monumental credulity and wishful thinking.
Church organisation, authority and membership preceded rather than followed the justifying doctrine. As the organisation and its needs changed so has the ‘Testament of God’ adapted accordingly.
From religious policeman to grandee of the church, from beast fighter in Ephesus to beheading in Rome, Paul’s story has more holes than a swiss cheese.
Orchestrated by ambitious Christian clerics, a cancer of superstition, fear and brutality was imposed across Europe.
The Christian Heaven may have been a vain folly but the Christian Hell has been real enough.
With a Jewish father (stern patriarch) and a Christian mother (obsession with guilt and heaven) it is not surprising that Islam grew up a bit of a tartar.
Heaven help us. The richest, most powerful nation in history has a psychotic infatuation with Jay-a-sus the Lawd!
The Christianizing of the Americas